Knowing that many seafarers are unable to go ashore during busy times in port, we have developed a shopping service as part of our mission.
Information for Seafarers: How to Order
Ordering online
We are happy to accept packages for you, and we will deliver them to your ship as soon as possible after your arrival.
- Our preferred method, when possible, is for you to place your order directly, using your credit card, and have your purchases sent to us.
- Please include your ship name in the address line and have packages sent to SCI (Your Vessel’s Name), 1321 Intrepid Ave., Ste. 310, Philadelphia, PA 19112.
- Once you have placed your order, please let us know by email at seafarerhelp@sciphiladelphia.org so we can keep track and let you know if anything does not arrive.
- If you want us to take delivery in our office and transport items to your vessel,
- Please limit the weight of any individual package to 35 pounds. For heavy items, such as exercise equipment, we can transport you to the store. Please email us at seafarerhelp@sciphiladephia.org for more information.
- Do not order perishables. We are not able to cold store items.
- Bulk Items (paper towels, pounds of food, etc.) for the ship should be ordered from a chandler.
We shop, you reimburse
We welcome requests for items you would like us to purchase for you, and we do our best to accommodate all requests. We ask for your understanding in situations where staff shortages, vaccination requests, or other factors make us unable to shop.
- For shopping where we purchase in advance and collect cash when delivered, we need one point person per ship. Please make sure your orders are complete before you contact us, because we can only accept one list per ship.
- If you can send us links to the exact items you wish to purchase, that is the best assurance that we are getting the product you want.
- Please click HERE for a sample of a purchase order that includes all the information we need. And click HERE to download our form that you can use to send your order.
- Also please send us your request as far in advance as possible so we will have time to fill your orders.
- If we are purchasing for you we will shop at Apple, Best Buy, Amazon, Target, and Walmart. Any other shopping requires special approval.
Additional shopping rules
- We cannot purchase chocolate in July or August.
- If you are alongside for an extended period of time, we can take one shopping request per week.
- If your ship comes in to our area on a regular basis, we can only order items for the current arrival date. New orders for the next arrival date should be placed after you sail.
Please contact us at seafarerhelp@sciphiladelphia.org to request shopping.